Christmas with the Dead (film)

Christmas with the Dead is a zombie apocalypse film based on the Joe R. Lansdale short story of the same name.

Flash forward two years and Calvin has adapted to his lifestyle of living in a world full of the undead. He keeps his wife Ella chained up on the back porch of his house which is now a small fortress to keep the zombies at bay. He feeds Ella dog food in a dog bowl as he just cant bring himself to kill her for good. He transmits from the local radio station hoping someone will hear him, but its to no avail. He even greets his former friend Ray, now a zombie after being bitten by Calvins young daughter, as he drives away to run errands. He then runs into a man shooting zombies and dragging them to his pickup. The man at first thinks Calvin is a zombie and tries to shoot him. When Calvin asks the man whats he doing, he replies Shooting the shit out of zombies. This is the first living human Calvin has seen in years. G.M. states his 3D glasses he always wears saved him from the effects of the storm. Calvin objects to G.M. shooting the zombies saying they are sick people. These are my neighbors he replies. That night on G.M.s roof, the two play loud music with a heavy beat and the zombies come pouring out of the woods and dance to the beat of the music.One day some former inmates from a state mental hospital hear Calvins broadcast on their car radio. The inmates armed with handguns take Calvin and G.M. hostage and then to meet Reverend Mac who rules over the former inmates of the hospital, some of whom are clearly mentally ill, with the cultlike zeal of a Jim Jones. Now its up to Calvin and G.M. to escape from both the Reverend and his flock of mentally deranged patients and the zombies as well. ........

Source: Wikipedia